Saturday, 10 March 2012

A Crow From Wolves

This isn't another guitar book post (that comes tomorrow) this is one about a blog i can honestly say i enjoy reading , he likes to voice his opinion on a whole variety of topics and more often than not he's bang on the money , you get everything from his random TV Show reviews to just his day to day observations of certain topics which are always bang on the money check it out and i garuntee you won't be dissapointed .

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Finally I'm Back ...Also Heres Some Incubus Books

So first off i'd really like to appolgise for the lack of updates and posts but hopefully things are finally going to get back to normal , sometimes life likes to hand out a bitchslap to keep you in line and moving on the right path and thats pretty much what happened hopefully now i can go back to daily updates and get things moving along again ...not to mention i've got a hell of a lot of reading to catch up on with all the blogs i follow .

Incubus - Make Yourself

Pages - 62
Contents :

1 - Privilege
2 - Nowhere Fast
3 - Consequences
4 - The Warmth
5 - When It Comes
6 - Stellar
7 - Make Yourself
8 - Drive
9 - Clean
10 - Battlestar Scralatchtica
11 - I Miss You
12 - Pardon Me
13 - Out From Under

Incubus - Morning View

Pages - 66
Contents  -

1 - Nice To Know You
2 - Circles
3 - Wish You Were Here
4 - Just A Phase
5 - 11am
6 - Blood On The Ground
7 - Mexico
8 - Warning
9 - Echo
10 - Have You Ever
11 - Are You In
12 - Under My Umbrella
13 - Aqueous Transmission

Incubus - The Best Of

Pages - 105
Contents -

1 - 11am
2 - Drive
3 - Nice To Know You
4 - Pardon Me
5 - Privilege
6 - Stellar
7 - Warning
8 - Wish You Were Here

Download Links In Order - 1 2 3