Thursday, 16 February 2012

Don't Wanna Be An American Idiot ....Greenday Megapost Time

Formed in 1987 in Berkley California , Greenday are a standout in the mish mash of Punk Rock bands that have happened over the years mainly due to the fact that they've lasted so long and always been a mainstay in the genre . While i'm not a fan of the newer stuff which really moved away from the punk rock roots they were known for there are still a few good tracks on more recent albums but nothing that really compares or comes close to the early works such as Kerplunk , Dookie or even Warning .

Greenday - 1039 /  Smoothed Out Slappy Hours

Pages -  65
Contents :

1 - At The Library
2 - I Was There
3 - Don't Leave Me
4 - Dissapearing Boy
5 - Green Day
6 - 16
7 - Going To Pasalacqua
8 -  Road To Acceptance
9 - Rest
10 - The Judges Daughter
11 - Why Do You Want Him
12 - Paper Lanterns
13 - 409 In Your Coffeemaker
14 - I Want To Be Alone
15 - 1,000 Hours
16 - Dry Ice
17 - Only Of You
18 - The One I Want

Greenday - American Idiot

Pages - 108
Contents :

1 - American Idiot
2 - Jesus Of Suburbia
3 - Holiday
4 - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
5 - Are We The Waiting
6 - St Jimmy
7 - Give Me Novacaine
8 - She's A Rebel
9 - Extrordinary Girl
10 - Letterbomb
11 - Wake Me Up When September Ends
12 - Homecoming
13 - Whatsername

Greenday - Dookie

Pages - 57
Contents :

1 - Burnout
2 - Having A Blast
3 - Chump
4 - Longview
5 - Welcome To Paradise
6 - Pulling Teeth
7 - Basket Case
8 - She
9 - Sassafras Roots
10 - When I Come Around
11 - Coming Clean
12 - Eminus Sleepus
13 - In The End
14 - F.O.D
15 - All By Myself

Greenday - Insomniac

Pages - 54
Contents :

1 - Armatage Shanks
2 - Brat
3 - Stuck With Me
4 - Geek Stink Breath
5 - No Pride
6 - Bab's Uvula Who?
7 - 86
8 - Panic Song
9 - Stuart And The Ave.
10 - Brain Stew
11 - Jaded
12 - Westbound Sign
13 - Tight Wad Hill
14 - Walking Contradiction

Greenday - Kerplunk

Pages - 89
Contents :

1 - Private Ale
2 - 2000 Light Years Away
3 - Welcome To Paradise
4 - One For The Razorbacks
5 - Christie Road
6 - Dominated Love Slave
7 - Android
8 - One Of My Lies
9 - 80
10 - No One Knows
11 - Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?
12 - Words I Might Have Ate
13 - Best Thing In Town
14 - Sweet Children
15 - My Generation
16 - Strangeland

Big thanks to HIPPIE for helping me get this book .

Greenday - Nimrod

Pages - 81
Contents :

1 - Nice Guys Finish Last
2 - Hitchin' A Ride
3 - The Grouch
4 - Redundant
5 - Scattered
6 - Worry Rock
7 - All The Time
8 - Platypus
9 - Uptight
10 - Last Ride In
11 - Walking Alone
12 - Jinx
13 - Haushinka
14 - Reject
15 - Take Back
16 - King For A Day
17 - Good Riddance ( Time Of Your Life)
18 - Prosthetic Head

Greenday - Warning

Pages - 53
Contents :

1 -  Warning
2 - Blood , Sex And Booze
3 - Church On Sunday
4 - Fashion Victim
5 - Castaway
6 - Misery
7 - Deadbeat Holiday
8 - Hold On
9 - Jackass
10 - Waiting
11 - Minority
12 - Macy's Day Parade

Download Links In Order -  2  3  4  5  6  7  (I'll add the missing link later on when Mediafire behaves)

1 comment:

  1. I don't like Green Day so much but some of their songs are quite good for my taste.
