Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Holy Hell It's Been A While .

Ok so basically i lost track of this completely and pretty much completely forgot i had this thing so if anyone's still about or reading this now then thank you and also a belated happy Christmas / New Year .

For todays post i figured i'd give you links for a new tutorial DVD that was released by Deron Miller of Foreign Objects / CKY / World Under Blood fame . Now i've always been a fan of him as a guitarist but anyone who's followed CKY for a while knows he's not always been the easiest person to get along with which culminated in him throwing a guitar at Jess during a Christmas With CKY gig a few years ago . Since then he's gone on to release some stuff with World Under Blood which he describes as "Melodic Death Metal" , can't say i'm the biggest fan of the band as a whole but the guitar is work is pretty damn good . Anyway Deron made and sold 60 of these "Tutoral / Tab" DVD's through ebay and as you would expect someone soon uploaded it for everyone else who didn't fancy the £40 price tag .

The DVD it's self runs for about 2 and a half hours and he covers songs from pretty much every project he's been involved in over the years , i'll be honest though at times it does seem like even he forgets the songs and it's like he's learning them from scratch with you . Also there is no conventional tabs in this video at all he just plays the parts to the songs kind of slow and you have to do a bit of working out on your own . But for anyone who's been a fan of him over the years it's really not a bad watch at all .

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -

Hopefully someone out there can get some enjoyment out of this and possibly learn something new while they're at it  . Also again is you do see this post after all this time then thank you again for checking it out , i really do appreciate it .

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